Why Sustainable Lab Design Is Becoming More and More Important For The Lab Services Industry

A global focus on sustainability and ethical practice has permeated the science industry, greatly influencing the design and development of new-age laboratories. Here we explore the rise of sustainable lab design, and discover why complementary lab services can further maximise the benefits of laboratories with an eco-friendly focus.

What is sustainable lab design?

Sustainable lab design promotes an ethical and eco-conscious approach to laboratory processes – from greener energy solutions and recycling programmes to water saving systems. As sustainability means different things to different people, the real outcomes expected from sustainable lab developments can be difficult to define and vary greatly. Whether you’re running a scientific lab or research facility, longevity and functionality matters. It naturally follows that labs with an environmental interest should have an ethical focus, since many are striving to discover and develop solutions with wider positive consequences for our planet.

Why does sustainable lab design matter?

Sustainable lab design matters both to the laboratories themselves and to the wider environment. Global appetite for more ethical practice, especially in the pharmaceutical sector, is growing year on year. Therefore a focus on more ‘green’ design and processing will benefit labs both financially and in terms of public opinion. Meanwhile we can all benefit from safer and more sustainable laboratory practice, especially where larger facilities are concerned. Where green energy solutions are implemented, chemical waste is responsibly processed, managed and disposed of there are clear advantages for all.

Complementary lab services

Lab services play an important role in the overall running of a research facility, scientific lab or hospital. As an extension of the organisation, those responsible for delivering laboratory specialist services must be able to reflect your standards and status. At Johnsons this is something we take very seriously. We take time to listen to you and learn more about your focus and pressure points before developing a plan and tailoring our services to suit you. Where sustainability is a focus we offer a range of eco-friendly solutions and fully compliant waste disposal methods.

Need expert lab services to maximise your profits, streamline processes and ensure full compliance at all times? Contact us today to discuss your requirements and receive tailored professional advice.