Making the most of lab relocation from a marketing perspective

Lab moves are often facilitated for positive reasons – signifying progression, expansion or an exciting new chapter in the history of a laboratory facility or organisation. Despite this few remember to make the most of their lab relocation from a marketing perspective – maximising the benefits of the move and ensuring your lab and the work you do is more well-known, possibly resulting in greater exposure designed to open up investment opportunities and secure important press coverage in industry publications and beyond. Here we share three ways to maximise the marketing potential of your upcoming lab relocation.

Outline and communicate the benefits of the move

Start by setting out the benefits associated with the move. Why is it happening? What will it achieve? How will it improve service delivery? Are you moving on to bigger and better premises? Perhaps you are joining forces with another high-profile team for an exciting collaboration designed to make waves in the industry. This is especially important when there is a negative motivation behind the move or controversial aspect to the relocation. Spinning the situation in your favour will help outsiders to see the changes in a positive light – but it may also help you to get staff and investors on board where disagreement or trepidation are concerned.

Announce in advance to secure press coverage

Press coverage is notoriously difficult to secure if you aren’t prepared. Start by compiling your list of benefits into a succinct, comprehensive document designed to attract and excite journalists. Make a carbon copy then tweak according to the publication you are aiming for. For example, if your breakthrough in cosmetic research affects both the industry and the consumer, compile a press release that focuses on the technical and scientific aspects and achievements for industry press, and a piece aimed at the benefits for the end user to satisfy mainstream publications. If this is of significant importance to you it’s well worth hiring a PR firm with industry experience to manage the marketing and print promotion aspect on your behalf.

Chart the lab move on social media

If your company or organisation uses social media, be sure to announce the move then chart its progress across all platforms. This keeps followers involved and informed and can encourage heightened interest from various groups. Share images and video media from start to finish and don’t be afraid to be creative – building up to the point where you can share and show off the end result.

How to choose a dangerous goods specialist to suit your needs

With so many dangerous goods specialists out there how can you be sure that you can choose one that perfectly suits your needs? Finding the perfect partner during your lab relocation or equipment move can be as easy as one, two, three.

What are your needs?

First things first, it’s necessary to establish what you actually need your dangerous goods specialist to support you with. What’s going on right now that dictates a need for specialist intervention? How is this going to affect your business or organisation? Why do you need a dangerous goods specialist on board, and what do you need them to help with specifically? Perhaps it’s the entire process – or certain portions of it that you require assistance with. Writing down exactly what you need and forming it into a firm, comprehensive brief is a sure-fire way to ensure you’ll find and hire a dangerous goods specialist suited to your requirements.

How much do you have to spend?  

Budget will dictate how you spend your money and who and what you can afford. It may not be possible to achieve a fully managed project if you don’t have the funds to support it – and you’ll need to be prepared for that. Reputable dangerous goods specialists will offer a fair price for the work they do – a cost which reflects the level of accuracy and knowledge required to safely handle and manage the materials they work with. Be sure to bear this in mind when setting out how much you have to spend.

Search for companies with experience and expertise to suit your requirements  

Dangerous goods specialists should be well-versed across the board when it comes to handling, managing and moving hazardous substances and items – but some companies talk the talk and don’t walk the walk. Be sure to search for and select a company that has specific experience and expertise in your area of concern. Failing to do so could mean your move or relocation ends in disaster.

Moving medical laboratory equipment – dos and don’ts

Moving medical laboratory equipment is often necessary – whether you’re running a pathology lab in a hospital or carrying out cutting-edge research in a specialist facility. There are certain do’s and don’ts to observe when planning a laboratory equipment move – here we share four key tips to help you ensure that your relocation runs as smoothly as possible.

DO ensure that everyone is informed and involved

Your staff are going to need to be on board for this – and their support will be essential as you organise a move, whether you’re swapping out an old model for a new one or overseeing a complete refit. Consult everybody first and keep them informed of your plans well in advance. Find a way for everyone to be involved – whether they’re helping to maintain the status quo or actively assisting in the move.

DO work with staff members’ individual strengths

Identify who might be able to help with what and assign tasks accordingly. If you’re in a hospital environment, will the move impact on patients? If so, one or more members of lab staff should be involved in minimising and mitigating that impact. If outsourcing is required to fill in the gaps in service during the move who will manage this and properly brief partner labs? Work as much within your immediate team before then enlisting additional support from professionals with specific experience moving medical laboratory equipment.  

DON’T try to do it yourself

Medical equipment is sensitive, specialist and overall incredibly expensive. Asking staff to move it or trying to arrange a team yourself could end in disaster – which often impacts on and delays service delivery since replacements can be hard to find. Breakages, spills and errors with timing and delivery can often affect in-house moves – so guard against disruption by arranging specialist assistance.

DON’T forget about decommissioning/relocation/recalibrate

When planning in timescales and provision for your upcoming move, don’t forget to consider how long it will take to decommission, relocate and recalibrate the equipment. Specialist OEMS will likely be required for this stage too – and they will need to be booked in advance. Consult experts on each piece of equipment to ensure that accurate provision and timescales are in place.  

Simple Steps To Sample And Cold Chain Material Relocations When Moving Laboratory Equipment

Specialist care and attention is required when moving laboratory equipment of any kind – so when some items need to be transported in controlled conditions this adds an extra dimension that can be challenging for overloaded lab managers. But with the right support and professional intervention relocating temperature-sensitive items and dangerous goods needn’t be stressful. In today’s blog we share simple tips to enable you to concentrate on moving laboratory equipment without added stress or hassle.

What are sample and cold chain materials?

Many laboratories deal with biological, medical and chemical samples that must be stored and transported under specific conditions in order to retain certain properties, ensure general safety or preserve outcomes of previous research. These are also often classified under various other regulations and conditions – including the Dangerous Goods Act.

Why specialist logistical support for temperature-controlled materials is important

Taking on the task of arranging transportation for samples and cold chain materials yourself can be difficult – adding a considerable amount to a workload that’s often already overstretched during relocation. When you work with specialist lab equipment movers, you retain complete peace of mind. Experienced project managers will put together a timeline and itinerary, detailing the equipment and tasks necessary to keep your cargo safe. They’ll also handle inventory, packaging, labelling and monitoring items during transit – so you’re free to focus on day-to-day tasks without disruption.

Simple steps to moving laboratory equipment with temperature specification

At Johnsons we always stress that the very first step to successful relocation is planning. Involving a team of lab equipment movers as early as possible is key. Compile detailed lists including all items that will need to be transported under special conditions – then pass this to the relocation experts responsible for overseeing the move. Finally, be sure to make provisions for reception on the other side, ensuring that each item will have safe storage upon arrival.

Need specialist support relocating laboratory equipment, or experts in medical equipment transport services to manage your move? Planning an imminent refurbishment? Get in touch today to learn more about our comprehensive lab equipment services.