ESG and sustainability transparency, and reporting
Achieving Net Zero by 2050 is a minimum target for many businesses, indeed many are already a long way down the road. Without doubt sustainability is a key consideration in almost every organisation we work with.
At Johnsons we’re doing so much more than green-washing. We’ve taken a long hard look at our business and have a raft of initiatives to reduce our carbon footprint.
But we’ve also gone so much further, developing tools, working practices and reporting systems that not only provide you with the transparency of knowing the impact of our work, but by also providing bespoke reporting, especially in relation to managing your assets effectively and sustainably.
Time and again we see organisations struggling to effectively manage the sheer volume of assets like furniture and IT equipment. This results in valuable assets becoming misplaced, replaced when they don’t need to be or disposed of without much consideration of the environmental impact.
Johnsons has proven time and again that we can help our customers to lower their costs and reduce their carbon impact.
Core to our sustainability efforts is our Asset 360 product. Take a look at our sustainability initiatives and find out more about Asset 360 on our Group website.