Identifying and controlling risk relating to Laboratory logistics is always more complicated than you think. It takes an expert to understand and anticipate all the little things relating to the move process.
Using our ‘Live Risk Monitoring’ process, Johnsons Laboratory Logistics will provide Laboratory Managers with real-time visibility of all risk management throughout the move process, ensuring end-to-end responsibility of identification, mitigation and risk control process for the life cycle of the project.

Our team of experts are all trained to work in line with full GxP guidelines throughout the lifecycle of any project, ensuring a detailed audit and full chain custody is maintained for all ongoing research.
Johnsons Laboratory Logistics understand the impact that downtime has on your business during a Laboratory relocation. Our Vendor Management Approach includes IQ/OQ/PQ management.
Our team of experts ensure that we build partnerships for the long-term, delivering value to your project by working together in a collaborative working environment.
Our Project Team will work with your OEM’s to build a move strategy that captures all key data relating to the asset both pre and post move and we will design a robust process for safely transporting your assets, through the information shared with the OEM’s and your internal team.
To ensure you meet regulatory requirements after transferring your items, we will work with your existing suppliers, or contract new ones, to ensure that all items continue to operate as specified by the manufacturer and ensuring the following are followed:
IQ: Installation Qualification – Verification that all equipment has been installed to manufacturer recommendations.
OQ: Operation Qualification – Verification that all equipment post installation is correctly operating inline with its intended/anticipated specification.
PQ: Performance Qualification – Verification that all equipment can correctly perform effectively, based on its approved specification.